T-Rex Summer 2, Week 7

Date: 18th Jul 2024 @ 10:30am

Take a look at what Talented T-Rex class have been learning this week…

In English, we have written our animal fact files for Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We picked one animal to write about, choosing from tigers, polar bears, wallabies or meerkats. Then, we wrote detailed sentences about what the animal looks like, where they live and what they eat. We also included subtitles and pictures. Everyone worked really hard on these pieces!

In Topic, we continued our Art project. On Tuesday, we explored form, a technique James Rizzi used to make his artwork 3D. We used cardboard to create different shapes and make parts of a picture stand out. On Wednesday, we created our own James Rizzi piece, using different bright colours and form, to make 3D artwork of buildings.

Well done Aston for Star of the Week! You work hard in every lesson, and you work well independently.

Well done Thora for Star Writer! Your fact file was excellent!

Talented T-Rex Class Attendance: 93.91%

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