Talented T-Rex Week 3 Spring 1
Date: 22nd Jan 2025 @ 6:34pm
Take a look at our learning this week🦖...
In Maths this week, T-Rex class have been working on repeated addition, grouping numbers, and recording them as simple arrays. The children have been using their counting skills to see how numbers fit together in groups, and then creating arrays to help them visually understand these patterns. It’s fantastic to see them becoming so confident with their number work.
In English, we've been writing about Buckingham Palace. The children have been using exclamation sentences like, "Wow, Buckingham Palace is so grand!" to add enthusiasm to their writing. They’ve also been using adjectives to describe the palace, making their sentences come to life. Plus, we’ve been practicing connectives like ‘and’ to stretch our sentences and make them even more interesting. Lara did an excellent job when she compared Buckingham Palace to Big Ben, saying, "Buckingham Palace is lighter than Big Ben!" What a wonderful observation, Lara!
In Topic we have been exploring the fascinating history of the Great Fire of London! The children have been learning about this dramatic event and working hard to sequence the key moments. It’s been an exciting journey back in time as they piece together the story of the fire and its impact on the city. The children have been really engaged with this part of the topic, and it’s sparking plenty of curious questions and ideas!
A Quick Reminder for Adults:
The children’s weekly spellings can be found on their home learning sheet, which is sent out each week. A big thank you to all the adults who have been supporting their spelling practice at home – your help is greatly appreciated!
Star Award: Loki
Class Weekly Percentage: 94.5%