Talented T-Rex Spring 2 Week 1
Date: 26th Feb 2025 @ 9:01pm
Take a look at our learning this week 🦖...
This week in English, Year 1 have been learning about letter writing and its features. T-Rex class received a letter from Samuel Pepys, a famous figure from the past. We found out about his life and the events he witnessed, during the Great Fire of London. Michael found it extremely amusing when he learnt that Samuel hid cheese and wine underground to save it from the fire!
In Maths this week, we have been focusing on counting in tens and ones. The children have been practicing counting forwards and backwards in tens and ones, starting from different numbers. We have also counted groups of tens and 1s in different contexts e.g. money, numicon, crayons etc.
In Topic this week, Year 1 have been learning about the differences between evergreen and deciduous trees. We started by looking at evergreen trees, such as pine trees, which keep their leaves (needles) all year round. The children observed how these trees remain green throughout all four seasons. They learned that evergreen trees don't lose their leaves in the winter, which helps them survive in colder climates.
Then, we looked at deciduous trees, such as oak and maple trees, which shed their leaves in the autumn and grow new ones in the spring. T-Rex class also explored how trees change over the four seasons.
Whole Class Attendance Percentage: 95.3%