Woodpeckers Spring 1 week 3
Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 8:25am
Yet another whirlwind of a week here at Reigate Park Primary Academy. The children have been busy writing their non-chronological reports about rivers this week. I am looking forward to reading their final pieces on Friday. In maths, the children have done a brilliant job when learning to use the short method when multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a single digit. In PSHE, we have continued to think about money and what we would spend money on. RE, this week has been looking at the Exodus. Children considered teh story of Moses and the Isralities, then they did some role play to act out parts of the story. In Spanish we continued our look at La Cafeteria; we revisited vocabulary that allows us to order foods and drinks when on holiday in Spain. Finally, our PE lesson on basket ball was all about attacking this week. The children learnt to dribble with the ball and then learnt to bounce pass and chest pass. They then consolidated these skills by working in teams to travel along the length of the pitch, using the skills they had learnt.
CHANGE OF DATE: Just to make you aware that our year showcase will be taking place on Wednesday 12th February from 2.45pm. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused. We hope you can all attend.
Woodpeckers weekly attendance: 94.5%
Well done to our star of the week: Kyle for his much improved attitude to his learning and independent work.
Well done to our star writer: Team effort this week: Kyle, Kenzie and Freddie for their project work on Mount Snowdon.