Woodpeckers week 1 Spring 2
Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 12:15pm
Welcome back to school. This week we started our science topic on States of Matter. The children have thought about the different states of matter: solids, gases and liquids. In Friday's lesson, children decided on an investigation question about melting and worked out ways of carrying out the investigation. In PE this week, we started our swiming lessons. Well done to everyone for remembering swimming costumes and towels. Just a little reminder that ALL children will need to wear a swimming hat in the water from next week. We also started our new menu for dinners. The responses I have had from the children are all very positive and I must say the smells of cooking food have been delicious this week. In RE, we have thoguht about forgiveness and what that means. Finally, we started to think about the features of an explanation text in English.
Woodpeckers weekly attendance: 95.16%
Well done to our star writer this week: Morgan for her continued efforts at the presentation of her wrtiing.